


Michel Deneken


Michel Deneken,

President of Université de Strasbourg and Udice’s president.

Professor Michel Deneken completed his graduate studies in Catholic Theology in 1984, with a doctorate at the Universty of Strasbourg in 1986 and an authorization to supervise research in 1997. He became a full professor in 2003 and was Dean of the Catholic Theology Faculty of the Unistra between 2000 and 2009.

From 2009 to 2012, he was First vice-president of the University of Strasbourg in charge of “Finances”, then from 2013 to 2016 in charge of “Learning and Teaching” for a second term. In December 2016, Michel Deneken was elected President of the Universiy of Strasbourg. He leads the regional cluster for higher education alongside the University of Haute-Alsace and a number of other engineering schools located in the region.

Since 2019, he is Chair of Epicur, an alliance of 8 European universities in 6 different countries. As of May 2022, he became President of Udice.

In 2012, he was appointed Knight of the French National Order of Merit. In 2022, he was appointed Knight of the French Legion of Honor.


Christine Clerici


Christine Clerici,

President of Université de Paris and Udice’s vice-president.

A professor of physiology since 1995, Christine Clerici joined UFR Médecine de Paris Diderot in 2002. Following a medical specialisation in pneumology, she became a hospital practitioner in functional exploration.

As a member of Inserm’s “physiopathology and epidemiology of respiratory insufficiency” unit, Christine Clerici’s research activities are focused on the mechanisms involved in the resorption of pulmonary oedemas induced by lesions, particularly for in vitro and in vivo models of acute respiratory distress syndrome.

First elected to Paris Diderot’s Board of Directors in 2005, she served as “health” delegate to the President and as Paris Diderot’s delegate to Inserm from 2009 to 2011. Then, in March 2012, she was elected Vice President of the Board of Directors.

In October 2013, she was appointed provisional administrator of Université Paris Diderot and then elected President on 5 May 2014. She was re-elected for a second term on 7 May 2018.

Udice's board

The board of directors is made up of the presidents of each university :

  • Eric Berton, President of Aix-Marseille Université ; 
  • Nathalie Drach-Temam, President of Sorbonne Université ; 
  • Frédéric Fleury, President of Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 ;  
  • Jeannick Brisswalter, President of Université Côte d’Azur ; 
  • Dean Lewis, President of Université de Bordeaux ; 
  • Edouard Kaminski, President of Université de Paris ; 
  • Michel Deneken, President of Université de Strasbourg ; 
  • Yassine Lakhnech, President of Université Grenoble Alpes ;  
  • Camille Galap, President of Université Paris Saclay ; 
  • Alain Fuchs, President of Université Paris Sciences et Lettres ;
  • Hélène Boulanger, President of Université de Lorraine ;
  • Philippe Augé, President of Université de Montpellier ;
  • Thierry Coulhon, President of Institut Polytechnique de Paris. 


Anne-Isabelle BISCHOFF


Anne-Isabelle Bischoff has been Udice’s Deputy-Chief since September 2022.

In 2002, Anne-Isabelle Bischoff completed a PhD in molecular and cellular biology in the laboratory of Jules Hoffmann, 2011 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine. She then oriented her career in the field of scientific communication and joined the tech-transfer office of the University Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg). For nearly seven years, she participated – through the deployment of communication tools and actions – in the development of the relations between academic research and the socio-economic stakeholders. As such, she developed the communication strategy of a network bringing together all the public research actors in Alsace before the inception of the SATT Conectus.

At the end of 2011, she joined the communication service of the University of Strasbourg, where she managed various institutional communication projects, supported and advised both the services and the governing team in the development of a communication strategy around research and its attractiveness.

In April 2019, Anne-Isabelle Bischoff joined the office of the presidency as office manager of Michel Deneken, president of the University of Strasbourg. In September 2021, she was appointed Deputy Chief of Staff. As such, she helped ensuring the consistency and clarity of the institution’s political strategy and also supported and advised the vice-presidents.

Nicolas Duhaut

Responsable Développement international

Nicolas Duhaut has been the head of International Development of Udice since May 2021.

A PhD in Information and Communication Sciences, he joined in 2005 the French Embassy in Tunisia where he directed the Center for Studies in France, which will become the Espace Campus France Tunisie.

In 2009, he became attaché for Higher Education at the French Embassy in Canada where he was in charge of developing partnerships between French and Canadian higher education institutions. From 2013 to 2016 he was an International Officer at Sorbonne University, where he implemented the international component of the Excellence Initiative project led by Sorbonne. From 2016 to 2020 he was the university cooperation attaché and then the scientific and university cooperation attaché at the French Embassy in Australia.

He is now based in the United States.

Raphaëlle Viallet

Responsable études

Raphaëlle Viallet has been head of studies of Udice since October 2021.

After graduating from CentraleSupélec school in 2005, Raphaëlle began her career as controller within the Unibail-Rodamco group and, from 2012, within SCOR, a reinsurance company. From 2016, she became project manager for Scor Global Life, working on the setting up of the project management unit and the definition of the strategic roadmap.

In 2019, Raphaëlle completed a master’s degree in Data Science at ENSAE. She then joined the University of Bordeaux as responsible for managing the Excellence Initiative endowment. She ensured the financial management of the endowment, supported the governance of the university in making decisions and developed tools to manage the funded programs.